The polling reveals 80% of Scots believe poverty has worsened over the last 5 years.
Kate Forbes MSP said of the report: “This poll highlights that eradicating poverty is a priority to people in Scotland, and Government action should reflect that. It is especially interesting to note that much more preventative action is required so that public services aren’t just responding to the symptoms of poverty, but instead to the root causes.”
Alex Cole-Hamilton MSP, also said of the report :
“It’s often only thanks to those unsung charity heroes and volunteers. working above and beyond, that people are just about holding things together, but it’s not a sustainable solution. We urgently need a new deal for our public services.”
Iain MacRitchie, Founder of Glasgow’s @MCR Pathways charity, said:
“Our limited resources must be used to support those that need it most by those that know them best. Trust and relationships are the prerequisite to any sustainable success.”
We are calling on for better charity collaboration and funding opportunities, emphasising the importance of community support.