The Gregory Centre for Church Multiplication (CCX) is one of the leading centres for church multiplication in the UK. CCX helps equip and resource the Church to plant, grow and pioneer, reaching new people, in new and renewed ways with the good news of Jesus Christ.
The have published some new research on discipleship. Discipleship is such a key topic, and the research shares the experiences of both young adult Christians and church leaders on what enables spiritual growth, to help equip churches to do this well. The findings are now available in a report ‘Five practices, one experience, and the Holy Spirit’ which you can read here.
Equipping leaders to effectively reach and disciple children and young people is a growing priority for their work, and they have plans to pilot innovations and scale their training pathways in order to do so.
They would like to extend an invitation to an online Vision Breakfast on 30 January, 8:30-9:30 if you would like to hear more about their work. They will be sharing stories of innovations in reaching new people with the gospel, including hearing firsthand from practitioners on the ground who are reaching people in new ways. If you are interested to join please contact Geraldine Payne, and she will send you further details.