Future Fit Software Funding proposal
loan / grant for funding
Deadline Date22/12/2024
Funds Required£0
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Future-Fit Software-as-a-Service Plaform Funding Summary
Future-Fit Foundation is a UK-based charity founded in 2013 with a vision to create a Future-Fit Society – one which protects the possibility that humans and other life will flourish on Earth forever, by being environmentally restorative, socially just and economically inclusive.
Future-Fit Foundation began the second phase of its journey early in 2023 following a short period of enforced dormancy due to the Covid pandemic. This relaunch has been overwhelmingly successful, proving the clear and growing need for our framework – the Future-Fit Business Benchmark – and way of transformational thinking. Businesses in all sectors are recognising the enormous challenges presented by climate change and social inequality (the ‘polycrisis’) and are crying out for tools to help.
The Future-Fit methodology is globally recognized as cutting-edge, scientifically rigorous and uniquely helpful for giving businesses a clear destination to aim for. However, the outputs that we have created to date, whilst incredibly useful, do not enable easy access for companies to just ‘pick up and run’ with our approach. A well designed Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform offering can therefore solve two issues.
The charity is now seeking a small group of investors to fund the development of this platform through £600,000 of 5-year revenue-linked loans.
Firstly, the platform will significantly lower the barriers to adoption by providing a far more tangible way of engaging with the Future-Fit methodology without requiring any previous knowledge, or input from paid consultants. Companies could:
Effortlessly start using the framework and understand exactly how it can help them;
Understand where they are today (from an Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)
perspective) and begin to track their progress over time;
Use these insights to build resilient business strategies, which in turn feeds into their reporting
(including CSRD in Europe); and
Aggregate their data with others and/or share it with other users of the system.
Secondly, the platform will provide a much-needed steady, repeatable income stream to Future-Fit Foundation, enabling us to continue the development of our methodology and scale our impact.
Platform Capabilities
The platform will present users with an intuitive journey through each element of the Future-Fit methodology, explaining what they will learn at each point and what, if any, additional information will be required. The interface will be clean, professional, easy to use and engaging.
The platform will contain the full set of tools required for a company to fully engage with the Future-Fit methodology:
• Risk Profiler – Q&A process to quickly identify key environmental and social risks
• Health Check – check alignment of current goals / priorities
• Progress Calculator – use existing data to measure progress and set new goals and targets
• Positive Impact Tracker – identify and measure activities with positive impacts
• UN Sustainable Development Goal Tracker – map positive and negative impacts to the SDGs
• CSRD Impact Materiality Assessment – translate outputs from the Risk Profiler into a CSRD Impact
Materiality Assessment
• Aggregation Module – aggregate a portfolio of single entity Future-Fit data into a summary overview
for investors and procurement departments
The platform will contain a fully configurable dashboard showing the outputs from each
of the above steps, enabling easy tracking of progress, prioritisation of actions and flexible configuration of information for both internal and external reporting. The dashboard will also be used to control access to the data by external third parties.
Future developments of the platform will look to incorporate elements of AI to assist with strategic advice and/or report creation based on information provided by the user.
Martin Rich | Co-founder & Chief Executive Officer
Future-Fit Foundation
T: +44 7747 761557
E: martin@futurefitbusiness.org | linkedin.com/in/martin-rich