The forum in action, June 2022

Membership Guidelines

The Christian Funders’ Forum is a group of executives of grant-making trusts and foundations.

Our Purpose

Members of the forum collectively grant more than £60 million a year to Christian work. The Forum
has a three-fold purpose:

Provide Peer Support

To network, encourage and provide peer support to Christian grant makers and philanthropic organisations.

Learn, Share & Shape

To learn from each other, sharing, shaping, and encouraging best practice in grant making and philanthropy.

Work Together

To work together wherever possible: sharing resources; commissioning research; considering match-funding; or promoting Christian projects.

Recognise best practice

The Forum also hosts the Christian Funders’ Forum Awards – shining a light on innovative projects and best practice, and celebrating the outstanding work done by churches, charities and volunteer groups across the UK.

Membership of the Christian Funders Forum (CFF) is voluntary. The CFF does not make grants, raise
funds, or hold any assets. It may occasionally ask for a voluntary donation to cover costs of hosting
training or events.


  1. There is no fee to join;
  2. Members can be nominated or invited. To nominate a member, please email the Chair who will arrange a meeting with the nominee. The Chair will introduce the nominee to the CFF and gauge the appropriateness of membership. If mutually suitable an invitation to join and induction will follow.

The Chair of the CFF is a voluntary role, the term of office for which is not fixed but is likely to be between two and four years. The Chair shall be nominated and then voted in by current CFF members, ensuring that all members have an opportunity to have input into the ‘appointment’. The current Chair assumed the role in January 2022.

  • Membership is open to Christian grant-making organisations of any size across the UK. The CFF endeavours to represent grantmakers operating in all regions and of any size.
  • Membership is not open to individuals.
  • Members can contact one another via the online hub. Emails and contact details will not be supplied to the group.
  • No member may use the forum for fundraising purposes.

Member: an organisation which is a recognised Christian Grantmaker (where grantmaking is its principal function), which is registered as a charity with the Charity Commission of England and

Wales, OSCR in Scotland and/or the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland. This information is also used to create a login for the online CFF Hub.

  • There are normally three meetings per year (a mix of virtual and face to face). These include guest speakers, learning and networking opportunities.
  • Access to the online Hub which facilitates networking between Grantmakers.  The Hub also hosts resources, research, details of collaborative funding appeals and it creates a newsletter which is delivered by email. 
  • The opportunity to join working groups that are sub-groups of the CFF with particular themes / regions of interest. 

  • CFF members have access to a secure online hub where information can be shared. Once membership is granted you will be provided with a login for this site. Training to use the hub is available. 
  • New members are asked to upload their details onto the site to become part of the network.
  • The Hub gives members the opportunity to state whether they are open to grant referrals or collaborative work.

Basic personal information is held by the Chair for all member organisations.  This includes member name, address, email, telephone number, organisational affiliation, job title and dietary requirements. We will also record the organisation's basic information including annual donations to Christian ministry as available from the prevailing Charity Commission website or as provided by the member organisation.


Members of the CFF acknowledge that by providing an email address, they agree that any notices, documents, or information required to be sent to the member by the Chair can be sent electronically or via the membership secure online hub.

We need to process your basic personal data to:


  • Facilitate your membership, or your organisation’s membership, of the CFF.
  • Organise an event that you have indicated you would like to attend.
  • Provide you with information about meetings, or events where you have consented to receive this information.
  • Keep the CFF website up to date.

  • Each member organisation shall appoint at least one named Authorised Representative.
  • The Authorised Representative shall represent their organisation at meetings and events of the CFF and provide their personal information to the Chair.
  • A change in the appointment of an Authorised Representative may be made at any time, by written notice served to the CFF.

A member organisation will cease to be part of the CFF if it resigns in writing to the CFF.

Each member of the CFF through undertaking membership agrees to adhere to and uphold the values of integrity, objectivity, honesty, openness, respect, confidentiality, and accountability.


Each member must:


  • Act with integrity and avoid any acts, omissions or practices which may harm the CFF and/or its members.
  • Conduct itself in a professional, courteous, and respectful manner to fellow members, or any person acting in the interests of the CFF.
  • Deal fairly and objectively with all matters for consideration put before the membership.
  • Declare any conflicts of interests.
  • Be considerate and respectful to all those it comes into contact. Please note, some members may be more active than others.
  • Ensure regularity of contact between members on the hub is at a mutually acceptable level.
  • Respect the confidentiality of information relating to the affairs of the CFF and/or its individual members acquired during its membership.
  • Not use confidential information acquired during membership for personal advantage or for the advantage of any other entity.


If members wish to contact one another this should be done via the online members hub and not via the Chair.