AI training for Trusts/ Foundations

Category: General QuestionsAI training for Trusts/ Foundations
AI in Grant Making:
Does anyone know of any webinars or training on AI and how it can be used in grant funding, how foundations and trusts can learn more about it?

None seen but I suspect ACF / NCVO / CFG will be on the case.

We’ve got a ‘Morning Masterclass’ on AI at work tomorrow with guest speaker, Jonty Hurwitz (founder of Daizy). This is a cross-Sainsbury Family Charitable Trusts offering, so I can feed back on any grant funding relevant sections, or even pass on Jonty’s details if applicable?

Bryony Livesey – Laing Family Trusts
Staff replied 8 months ago

For anyone else who is still interested in the topic of AI – ACF have a course on called ‘AI and the modern grant-making organisation’. It will be run by Adapta Consulting and is £60 for members and £150 for non-members. The next session is tomorrow but I imagine they will re-run it again in the future.

Details at:

1 Answers
The Church of Scotland answered 9 months ago

Charity Excellence Framework pages Charity Excellence – Find Charity Funding, Free Help & Resources have free AI support tools to help people to write applications. I am not aware of any work on supporting grant makers in working with AI.
There is also a facebook group “AI for Ministry”″>AI for Ministry | Facebook

AI training for Trusts/ Foundations

Category: General QuestionsAI training for Trusts/ Foundations
AI in Grant Making:
Does anyone know of any webinars or training on AI and how it can be used in grant funding, how foundations and trusts can learn more about it?

None seen but I suspect ACF / NCVO / CFG will be on the case.

We’ve got a ‘Morning Masterclass’ on AI at work tomorrow with guest speaker, Jonty Hurwitz (founder of Daizy). This is a cross-Sainsbury Family Charitable Trusts offering, so I can feed back on any grant funding relevant sections, or even pass on Jonty’s details if applicable?

Bryony Livesey – Laing Family Trusts
Staff replied 8 months ago

For anyone else who is still interested in the topic of AI – ACF have a course on called ‘AI and the modern grant-making organisation’. It will be run by Adapta Consulting and is £60 for members and £150 for non-members. The next session is tomorrow but I imagine they will re-run it again in the future.

Details at:

1 Answers
The Church of Scotland answered 9 months ago

Charity Excellence Framework pages Charity Excellence – Find Charity Funding, Free Help & Resources have free AI support tools to help people to write applications. I am not aware of any work on supporting grant makers in working with AI.
There is also a facebook group “AI for Ministry”″>AI for Ministry | Facebook