
Here are some comments from participants at the Christian Funders’ Forum Awards:

“A wonderful event and the most amazingly historic and breathtaking venue.”

Vicki Woodley

Green Pastures



“What a joy and privilege.”


Shola Oladipo

Healthy Church Initiative

“What an incredible night and again thank you for honouring us in such a special way…we are still in shock!

What blessed us too, was hearing about the remarkable work that is being done by so many Churches and Christian organisations.  The Church has a lot to celebrate and a lot to thank God for.  Thank you for bringing this fact to so many people’s attention.

Your trust and delight in our project has really had an impact on my whole team…we are buzzing!  You have given us fresh strength and focus to continue the mission God has entrusted us with here in Gorton.  Thank you!”

Victoria Armstrong

CEO, Oasis Gorton


“Just to let you know that we are receiving lots of publicity about our award.

So far the diocese put it on Facebook and are doing an article in the Diocesan newsletter. The local press, Newquay Voice, did a lovely article on 21st November, the parish magazine have an article this week, Radio Cornwall are doing a broadcast sometime between 6 am and 9 am on Sunday. Transformation Cornwall have advertised us on their web site and the Small Charities Coalition are showing a very short video about us in their Christmas promotion.

Someone from the Rank Foundation is coming to see us a week on Tuesday and we have received lots of e-mails from Bishop Tim our previous bishop, Bishop Chris, our current Bishop, Cornwall Council etc..”

Pat Walton

The Oasis Centre, St Columb, Cornwall


“Many thanks for this, and for a great evening. We had an amazing evening, 

and were delighted to be part of the event and to receive this award.

Thanks again, to you and all those involved.”

Simon Oliver

Cottenham Pioneer Ministry